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July 30, 2019


IPPR asks Boris Johnson to ‘Power up the North’ through devolution

The Northern division of the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has called on Boris Johnson to demonstrate his commitment to ‘Power up the North’ by backing their plan to devolve power to the regions. Following the new Prime Minister’s…

August 6, 2021

Business & Economy

Up to £2m secured by consortium to bring angel investment to North businesses

A consortium led by Sunderland-based North East Business and Innovation Centre (BIC), has secured up to an additional £2m from Innovate UK to further encourage Business Angels to bring investment and expertise to pioneering innovative small and medium companies…

May 24, 2021

Business & Economy

Region urged to shine a light on our tourism sector this English Tourism Week

NGI are calling on the region to show their support for the tourism industry, celebrating and sharing everything our area has to offer. As part of the week. NGI will be hosting an online webinar on Wednesday, May 26,…

September 17, 2024

Ideas & Observations

Making workplace wellbeing a priority

How fit do you need to be to run a company? It is a question that has lingered with me for decades, ever since a newspaper reporter asked it to an American chief executive who was…

October 14, 2022

Business & Economy

The walls are closing in…

To bastardise that well-known Churchillian refrain, never was so much damage caused by so few, in so little time.

November 30, 2022

Build & Sustainability

Network tasked with driving forward UK’s PEMD capability meet in the region

The North East played host to Driving the Electric Revolution Industrialisation Centres’ (DER-IC) first consortium event, bringing together organisations from around the UK which are at the forefront of accelerating supply chain growth in PEMD (power…

November 2, 2021

Business & Economy

Is the logistics and haulage industry ready for the employee, mental health and wellbeing discussion?

Boosting HGV driver salaries is long overdue. However, in an industry at the centre of a global logistics crisis, Emily Pearson, managing director of Our Mind’s Work, looks at why we should be offering more appealing working conditions A recruitment crisis…

August 19, 2019

Business & Economy

Teesside’s Materials Processing Institute adds steel to national organisation’s training

A research and innovation centre has delivered a training course for a national employers’ organisation working to strengthen the country’s steel sector. The Materials Processing Institute worked with UK Steel on a two-day course. Entitled ‘Introduction to Steelmaking Processes’, the programme…