Business & Economy
Port of Tyne wins gold for the second year running
November 4, 2015
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has presented the Port of Tyne with a second consecutive Gold Award, highlighting the business’s commitment to excellence in health and safety.
The achievement of a Gold Award for occupational health and safety involves demonstrating an excellent health and safety culture within their organisations. They must show that they take a rigorous approach to keeping their workforce safe and healthy, and have excellent levels of compliance and control measures in place, particularly in relation to the main risks associated with their business sector.
The prestigious RoSPA annual awards scheme has recognised the Port’s commitment to health and safety. Last year the Port received a Gold Award for the first time after gaining the Silver Award in 2013.
Andrew Moffat, Port of Tyne Chief Executive Officer, said: “To be awarded Gold for the second year running is a real source of pride for the Port. We are committed to ensuring the highest standards of health and safety across our sites and this Gold Award is testament to how seriously we take that commitment.”