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A-Level results ensure students can progress

Yesterday, ecstatic A-Level students at Sunderland College discovered that they have gained the grades to progress and achieve their university and career ambitions, despite the challenges of the last 12 months.

The sixth form at the college has achieved and impressive 100% overall pass rate for A-Level. In addition, the percentage of students achieving high grades which is A*- B is 65.4%.

The results have enabled the college’s A-Level students to accept offers from top universities and progress to higher level apprenticeships or start a new career. Outstanding achievements included Sam Percival, 18, from Silksworth, who achieved A*A*A* in Biology, Chemistry and Maths and is now heading to the University of Birmingham to study Medicine.

He said: “I’m still in shock; I never expected results that good. So much hard work has gone into achieving what I have, and it’s finally paid off. Although we have been affected by the pandemic, the structure has always been there whether through remote learning or being in college, so I don’t feel it has impacted me as much. The support from the college has been excellent. At the moment I’m thinking of becoming a GP, but we’ll see what the future brings.”

Another delighted student, Ellie Walsh, 18 from Sunderland, will be progressing to the University of Sunderland to also study Medicine after achieving AAB in Biology, Psychology and Chemistry. She said: “I really enjoyed college; I have made some really good friends and have learned a lot from my teachers, and it has helped me prepare for university.”

18-year-old Tia Anderson, from Wheatley Hill, studied BTEC Sports Science, Law and Criminology alongside a Talented Athlete Scholarship. She’ll be studying Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice at Liverpool John Moores University after achieving Distinction*, A* and A.

The talented athlete, who is among the top 10 runners in the country in the under 20s age group, said: “I was absolutely over the moon with my results! Coming to Sunderland College has given me the opportunity to become more independent and study the subjects that I want. I came here not knowing anyone, but the teachers are really supportive, and I would 100% recommend Sunderland College.”

For the second consecutive year, A-Level exams were cancelled, and grades were assessed by schools and colleges based on evidence such as assessments, coursework, homework and performance in class. The ‘teacher-assessed grade (TAG)’ required a rigorous approval process, which meant that each school or college’s head had to sign off the grades and confirm there was evidence to support them. This year, exam boards have also provided optional sets of questions for teachers to help them gather more evidence.

Toni Rhodes, principal, said: “We are really proud of all our students today, despite what has been an exceptionally challenging time, our students have demonstrated their resilience throughout and continued to strive for excellent results. Today’s results really are a testament to all their hard work and how they have adapted to the situation, we wish every one of them success in their next steps.”

Sunderland College offers a wide range of A-Level subjects and an extensive range of vocational and technical courses. The college will offer the prestigious T Level courses in digital, construction and health and science from September 2021.  Apply online –