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Tech firm Haystack commits to helping emerging talent climb career ladder

A Newcastle tech start-up is shaking up recruitment for emerging tech talent, in order to better support those taking their first steps on the career ladder.

Tech recruitment specialist Haystack is supporting those who are just starting out on their tech career by making roles with less than one year’s experience required completely free to post for companies.

Mike Davies, chief operating officer and co-founder of Haystack, said: “At one stage or another, we’ve all been there – trying to get your first break in your career, with little or no experience.

“We want to make tech roles more accessible and easier to discover, by allowing companies to post roles that require less than 12 months experience, completely free forever on Haystack.”

Haystack provides a platform for people to make informed decisions on their tech careers, with their careers and insights marketplace focused on providing opportunities for those in engineering, data and design.

The platform, which now supports tens of thousands of techies in the UK, matches roles with users based on their interests, values and tech stack to ensure employers aren’t provided with unsuitable candidates, and users aren’t shown unsuitable opportunities.

Haystack allows businesses to more efficiently hire for their tech teams by providing a platform for them to put their best foot forward and eliminating the need for often expensive tech recruiters, ultimately saving on resources internally.

Chris Bone, chief executive and co-founder said: “We’re finding more and more graduates on Haystack struggling to look for a role.

“Currently, 25 per cent of our user base are graduates and three per cent of roles are advertised as graduate level. They’re being massively underserved and struggling to find opportunities.

“Companies don’t often struggle to hire for junior roles, but junior techies often struggle to find genuine entry-level roles to get their first step on the career ladder.

“That’s why Haystack is putting all the roles in one place for them to discover, completely free of charge.”

Haystack previously raised £1 million in seed funding to shake up tech recruitment and continues to attract an impressive array of clients including tech giants like EPAM, Sage, cinch and AutoTrader.