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Celebration of engineering in the North East attracts local government support

A major future careers event for nine-to-14-year-olds will be joined by local VIPs including The Right Worshipful Mayor of the City of Sunderland and his Mayoress as well as the Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress of Sunderland.

Bring It On North East, which will take place October 9-10 at Sunderland’s Beacon of Light, will bring together local engineering companies and more than 2500 children from across the region with the aim to inspire the engineers of tomorrow and to showcase real life engineering.

The Mayor of Sunderland, Councillor David Snowdon said: “We are delighted that Bring It On will be taking place in Sunderland for its third consecutive year. Not only does the event help inspire the engineers of the future, it offers pupils a fun alternative to traditional classroom learning.

“The event will also attract schools from all over the North East region to meet local businesses and discover future career and employment opportunities. Hopefully pupils will take home long-lasting memories and a desire to excel in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) related subjects.”

Leader of Sunderland City Council, Cllr Graeme Miller, added: “Every year ‘Bring It On’ has gone from strength to strength and is a great example of how local partners can work together to deliver such a successful event.”

“The day is equally beneficial for the businesses exhibiting as it is for children attending. It is very important to sustain the skills of future generations and our local industry recognises this, through ongoing support and donations for projects such as this.”

The Bring it On event is the culmination of a successful collaboration between a number of different organisations from across the region working together to inspire young people about North East engineering.

Carol Harrison, Bring It On project manager, said: “It is absolutely brilliant that our event has received such high-level support and most importantly we have managed to shine light on the fantastic engineering opportunities our region has to offer to the younger generation. Having the presence of all the Mayor, Mayoress, Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress of Sunderland across both days serves as both a kudos for our work and an incentive for us to continue to make Bring It On possible and even better in the years to come.”