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Constructing Excellence North East announces new chair of People Group

Constructing Excellence North East has appointed Darush Dodds as chair of its People Group.

Darush, group director of corporate affairs & ESG at Esh Group, was appointed onto the board of CENE this year and will be supported in his new role by vice chair of the People Group, Angela Carney, managing director of Carney Consultancy and president of Northern Counties Builders Federation.

Established in 2021, the People Group works across all sectors of the construction industry, supporting employers and their workforce.

The People Group works with education providers to support curriculum development through industry liaison, ensuring learners obtain industry relevant skills to complement their academic and vocational studies, whilst working with the industry, to support activity within companies to make the North East of England a better place to work for people of all backgrounds.

Darush Dodds said: “The People Group is a conduit between employers, colleges, universities, schools, the people who work within our sector and those considering a construction and built environment career.

“We want to attract people of all ages and backgrounds to our sector, train, develop and most importantly retain the talented people within our workforce.

“We are facing a huge skills gap and to combat this we need to continue to raise awareness and change the dated perception of the sector. We need to highlight the broad range of jobs available and equip students with the technical skills they need when entering the workforce.”

“Collaboration is key, and very much the future of social value delivery in our region. Through CENE, the NEIoT and as part of our region’s Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) we need to tap into existing and new funding to supercharge skills and training.

Catriona Lingwood, chief executive of Constructing Excellence North East, said: “Esh Group is a very proud and successful, locally owned business, that operates across the North East and Tees Valley.

“It is acutely aware that the attraction and retention of high-quality staff is imperative to its growth. It is, therefore, with great pleasure that we welcome Darush as chair of the People Group.

“In his role as director of corporate affairs and ESG, Darush has great insight as to promoting and raising awareness of the construction sector as a fantastic environment to build a career. His expertise will be invaluable as we move forward with our ambitious plans.”

Pictured: Darush Dodds (centre) with members of the Constructing Excellence North East People Group.

September 2, 2024

  • Business & Economy

Created by Kate Hewison