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Newcastle College launches free distance learning courses

Newcastle College has launched a range of free online courses to help people learn new skills and improve existing ones during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In response to social distancing measures, the College has developed a programme of short online courses, enabling those staying home more to gain new skills and improve their CV, as they prepare for their future beyond lockdown.

More than 35 courses are available to choose from over a range of subjects and abilities, with some specifically designed to help businesses and individuals adapt to the challenges of Covid-19.

Those wanting to take advantage of the free learning can choose from topics including mental health and wellbeing, infection prevention and control, project management and digital marketing.

Tony Lewin, Principal of Newcastle College said: “Newcastle College has an important role to play in our community., We know the power of learning and we want to take learning in to people’s homes. Whether you’re looking to develop a new skill, brush up on an existing talent or take time to for wellbeing, there is a course here for you.

“Not only do we support thousands of students to achieve their goals through further and higher education, apprenticeships and adult part-time study, but we work in partnership with businesses across the North East to help them recruit and upskill their workforce.

“We feel it is important and our duty in these unprecedented times to continue to offer that support, whether that’s helping individuals to feel more confident about their future, or supporting businesses to empower their employees to thrive after this crisis.”

For the full list of available courses, or to sign up, simply visit