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Newton Aycliffe chassis parts maker Gestamp in 130-job pledge after new contract wins

A County Durham car chassis parts maker says it will create 130 jobs after securing new manufacturing contracts.

Gestamp wants extra workers to fulfil deals with Sunderland-based Nissan, BMW and Jaguar Land Rover.

The Newton Aycliffe firm is also investing in new “manufacturing developments” at its sprawling 1,000-plus employee base, which bosses say will help make more than eight million parts over the next nine years.

Jonathan Phillips, Gestamp’s Newton Aycliffe factory director, said: “We’re delighted to win these new contracts, which involves the introduction of new productions and new facilities within our plant.

“Much of the components from these contracts will be exported all around Europe as well as across the UK, so this is fantastic news for the local economy here in the North East.

“The Jaguar land Rover contract, producing aluminium sub-frames for the Range Rover, will involve heavy, multi-axis machining content using the latest technology, including robotic welding.

“The Nissan and BMW projects will involve robotic welding, hydraulic piercing and cold metal transfer welding, and we have invested significantly in equipment and training to accommodate these new products.

“The automotive sector is at a turning point where the work being done today is helping shape the cleaner and safer mobility of tomorrow.

“This is indeed an exciting challenge.”