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North East hydraulics specialist launches facility at Port of Blyth

A North East hydraulics firm has launched a brand-new facility at the Port of Blyth to deliver essential service and inspection operations.

Industrial and Marine Hydraulics (IMH) are based in Teesside and will offer hydraulic solutions to the other companies situated at the Port, as well as full servicing and inspection capabilities, such as flushing rigs and testing equipment.

The Middlesbrough firm was founded in 1983 by Paul Griffiths MBE and has grown to provide expert services to customers in more than 50 countries and across multiple sectors, including oil and gas, subsea, offshore and onshore renewables, nuclear, and automotive.

IMH are not the only new engineering firm to establish themselves in Blyth, with partner brands MJR Controls, an electrical and instrumentation control system provider, and Ferschi, a specialist hose supplier, also setting up shop.

Martin Lawlor, chief executive at Port of Blyth, said: “We’re delighted to welcome IMH to their new facility at the port as we recognise their expertise and experience will enhance our own offering to the offshore energy sector.”

James Griffiths, managing director at IMH, added: “Opening a facility at the Port of Blyth is an important step in our 35-year journey and we’re delighted to be bringing our specialist hydraulic engineering experience to the site.

“Port of Blyth is rightly considered as one the UK’s leading offshore energy support bases and its development over the past few years means that it is playing an increasingly important role in the marine, subsea and offshore sectors.

“The port has attracted a number of high-profile companies and it’s very exciting for IMH that we can now serve the port’s users, and act as their on-site hydraulic engineering resource.

“Our new facility at the Port of Blyth will allow us to respond quickly and efficiently to customers’ inspection and service requests, as well as take on larger projects at the site which may require longer-term support.”