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Business & Economy

North East LEP secures gold award for health and wellbeing support

A regional growth organisation has been highlighted for its promotion of employee health and wellbeing.

The North East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has picked up a gold-level Better Health at Work Award.

The honour recognises the achievements of employers in addressing health issues within the workplace and supports businesses through the help of a dedicated health improvement specialist.

Helen Golightly, LEP chief executive, said: “We started working towards our first North East Better Health at Work Award in 2018 and achieved the bronze level just a few months before the pandemic.

“We recognised how important it was to create a healthy and a happy working environment for all our staff, and for employees to feel supported in making changes that improve their wellbeing at work.”

Trained health advocates – volunteer staff with an interest in health and wellbeing – at the LEP worked with the awards’ health improvement specialist to create an action plan.

Activity ranged from encouraging staff to use the stairs instead of the lift, to arranging free cholesterol and blood pressure check-ups.

Helen added: “We’re very proud to have achieved the gold award, especially during such a difficult time for everyone and I’d like to thank each and every member of staff for helping create an environment where better health at work is championed, and for spreading that message outside of our organisation.”

Pictured above, from left to right, are the North East Local Enterprise Partnership’s Matthew Ebbatson, Emily Carlson, Jess Douglas, Elaine Jackson and Alan Hodgkiss at Newcastle West End Foodbank