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Business & Economy

North of Tyne Mayor Jamie Driscoll backs “People Power”

North of Tyne Mayor Jamie Driscoll will attend a major business event in the North East dedicated to skills, training, staff wellbeing and productivity.

The Mayor will join 250 leaders and managers at the People Power Conference to share best practise and promote a joint commitment to investing in skills, productivity and workforce development.

People Power, which is sponsored by Northumbria University, Newcastle, is set to welcome record numbers of employers who will learn about creating an organisational culture that achieves maximum success.

Leading experts from across the UK will present research and fresh thinking about a range of key employer issues such as: Resilience, Health & Wellbeing, Emotional Intelligence, Work Life Balance, Change Management, Hybrid Working, Equality and Diversity, Digitalisation and Employee Engagement.

An exhibition held alongside the conference will give employers access to the latest HR and employment advice, helping businesses to understand how they can be great employers, attracting and keeping the best talent and developing thriving teams  – as well as information on latest funding available to train and develop existing and new members of staff.

Notable regional employers joining the event include Sage, Newcastle Building Society, Sintons LLP, Northumbrian Water, Komatsu, UBS, Leo Vegas, NHS BSA, Aircon Group, Lookers, North Star Housing and Vodafone.

Mayor Jamie Driscoll is looking forward to engaging with regional employers at the event to talk about what a ‘good’ employer looks like and what businesses need to do to achieve good and create a positive future for everyone.

“Good work is about so much more than job creation. It’s about an economy that works for everyone.  It boosts companies’ productivity and boosts workers’ quality of life.   That’s why we have worked collaboratively with the local business community to put into practice our North of Tyne Good Work Pledge. 

 “Investing in people’s skills is key to business growth and provides the platform for us to compete in an increasingly competitive and challenging global marketplace.

 “I am convinced we have untapped potential in the North of Tyne.  It’s right that People Power have chosen to focus on the skills agenda, and I look forward to exploring ideas to unlock that potential.”