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Sealpump Engineering’s disinfection system boosts battle against COVID-19

A Teesside industrial spray system designer has developed a product to support the battle against coronavirus.

Sealpump Engineering has created a fogging disinfection system.

Designed through its sister company IC Spray, Sealpump bosses say the apparatus is able to disinfect areas such as offices, hospital rooms, care homes and industrial units, as well as trains, airports, buses and ambulances.

Designed as a mobile or fixed unit – which can be operated remotely – the firm says it reduces the need for complete strip downs and deep cleans, saving time and the need for protective equipment, heavy backpacks and hand-guns.

“Business and individuals are working flat out to keep operations running through this crisis,” said director Stephen Larkin [pictured far right].

“In addition, they now have to take special measures to ensure that patients, residents, workforces or passengers are given maximum protection from coronavirus.

“Deep cleaning and disinfecting premises and transport is a very time-taking job.

“We have developed a system that is easy to operate, quick, safe and uses a smaller amount of chemicals to give a much more effective result than manual cleaning.

“We can also provide systems that cover larger areas or meet specific requirements.”

Sealpump Engineering, based in UKSE’s Innovation Centre, in Redcar, has decades of technical expertise and experience, and already supplies spray systems to customers around the world in the food, pharmaceutical, electronics, steel, chemicals, mining and automotive sectors.

It also supplies systems that control dust, odour and humidity.

“Around 80 per cent of our current enquiries are about the new disinfection system and our first order went out to a company operating care homes and providing social housing,” added Stephen.

“We are seeing so many people and businesses working night and day to keep going through this crisis and a number are even looking ahead as well.

“They are already thinking about protecting the health of their workforce on an ongoing basis as enquiries about our humidity systems are also increasing.”

*Picture shows members of the Sealpump Engineering team before coronavirus restrictions were introduced*