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Business & Economy

Social enterprise fund launches to boost South Tyneside communities

Entrepreneurs helping to improve South Tyneside communities are set for a cash lift.

The Social Enterprise Boost Fund is providing grants up to £10,000.

Delivered by Project North East (PNE), the programme aims to kickstart and accelerate social enterprises while providing further training and one-to-one advice.

Melissa Middleton, PNE business support co-ordinator [pictured, below], said: “We couldn’t be more excited to announce the grant’s launch.

“Running a business is something everyone should explore, but running a social enterprise is a gamechanger.



“Imagine running a business that makes money but also benefits the community we live in too – that’s why this programme is really important for the residents and businesses of South Tyneside.”

Lisa Cryer, founder of Jarrow-based BlueJay Wellness CIC, which delivers yoga, mindfulness and science courses to schools across South Tyneside, has welcomed the funding pot.

The endeavour has previously received support from PNE and South Tyneside Council, and Lisa believes the Social Boost programme will encourage more people to set up and grow their own ventures.

She said: “Almost 90 per cent of firms in South Tyneside are microbusinesses.

“It can be lonely, and at times confusing, to start out in self-employment, which is why we’re so lucky to have support from the likes of PNE, Far North and Tedco.

“Social Enterprise Boost is such a welcome addition to the funding landscape – they’ve made it a non-daunting way to apply for funding to start something that gives back to the community.”