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Tecuna – A personable and permanent partner in times of change

In a business environment where the importance of robust technological systems continues to rise, managed IT services firm Tecuna is providing a fresh dimension to support streams. Here, Steven Hugill speaks to Tecuna managing director David Ross, to learn more about the value of its guidance and its dedication to the personal touch.

In many ways, business is similar to that jigsaw puzzle you’re destined never to complete.

Just like the chocolate box scene long since departed from its crucial final piece, the commercial conundrum is never finished, its parts shifting constantly to meet moving market forces.

Amid the constant change, however, there are some fixable tabs and blanks.

One is a resilient digital framework.

And helping businesses fit such into their operations is recently-launched expert IT support company Tecuna, which delivers trusted guidance across areas including network management, cybersecurity, cloud computing and data backup and recovery.

David Ross, Tecuna managing director, says: “We take the focus on IT away from business owners, so they can concentrate on what really matters to them – running a successful organisation.

“We become an internal part of a business, working proactively to support every element of IT to streamline operations and improve productivity.”

And with commercial ephemerality continuing to linger following the pandemic, David says the offer is hugely significant.

He says: “We are there for everything, providing help for clients across issues they know about, as well as areas they hadn’t perhaps thought required any support.

“We go far beyond simply being there when a company needs a problem fixing – we are an extension to a business.

“As an organisation, we pride ourselves on being a very personable and approachable partner.

“And that is an important distinction in today’s market because a lot of firms are missing that level of support.”

To achieve such, Newcastle-based Tecuna – which is backed by Richard Hogg and Anthony Broadhead, chief executive and chief operating officer, respectively, of specialist recruitment and outsourced talent services partner Jackson Hogg – adopts a root and branch examination of a client’s IT structure.

Once complete, it uses its findings to tailor support that balances everyday operational needs with system futureproofing and staff development.

David says: “We conduct a health check of a business and its IT network, to understand its wants and needs.

“For example, one company might tell us it wants help with a certain area, whereas another may be happy with an internal member of staff doing that same function and is instead looking for support elsewhere.

“Half the time, one of the main problems businesses face is knowing who to call when they incur an issue.

“And that is what makes our services so significant.

“We conduct site visits, deliver training and are always available for people to talk to about anything, whether it be a serious issue or guidance on attaching a file to an email.

“But we go further still.

“We send out regular correspondence to clients that contains training snippets, updates on common themes and alerts around the content of latest scamming emails.”

And in a rapidly-evolving digital landscape, where operators from the Electoral Commission to police forces, local authorities, schools, ambulance trusts and high street retailers have all recently been caught in cyber criminals’ crosshairs, David says Tecuna’s support is invaluable.

He says: “Technology is relied upon so heavily by businesses, with access to systems and functions like emails and Microsoft Teams more important than ever.

“Digital systems are valuable elements of any company, but are even more valuable to hackers who, once having unrestricted access, can demand a ransom fee.

“Yet despite that, security can often be forgotten.

“And that is where our support comes in.

“We are there for clients every day, making sure their IT networks and systems are safe, as well as operating efficiently and effectively.

David adds: “We are constantly thinking about clients and their needs.

“And everything we do is always delivered with the personal touch.”

November 12, 2023

  • Business & Economy

Created by North East Times