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Ward Hadaway delight as ‘clear focus’ delivers highest-ever turnover

A law firm has hailed its “clear focus… during unprecedented turbulence” after posting record turnover amid an eighth consecutive year of growth.

Ward Hadaway has announced revenue of more than £45 million for its 2022/2023 financial year.

Bosses say its successes were fuelled by the collective strength of its offices across Newcastle, Leeds and Manchester.

During its financial period, the firm recruited 78 staff, made 54 promotions and retained all 12 qualifying trainees and apprentices.

Martin Hulls, managing partner of Ward Hadaway, which employs more than 450 people, said: “I am delighted with the consistent turnover growth we have achieved over the last eight years.

“During a time of unprecedented economic and societal turbulence, of a significantly rising cost base, of micro and macro economic headwinds, both internationally and at home, we have demonstrated the benefit of being committed, consistent and considered.

“To achieve our highest-ever turnover against this backdrop, assisted by the particularly strong growth in Leeds and Manchester, as well as continued development in Newcastle, is testament to the clear focus maintained by our teams right across the firm.”

He added: “Our business is our people; people who appreciate the needs of clients by living and breathing their challenges with them.

“We have an exceptional group of legal experts across our offices, who are supported by a fantastic business support team, and clients appreciate our full-service offering, delivered with a straightforward, friendly approach, tailored to their needs.

“We are extremely proud of our committed teams, working for our loyal clients who continually challenge and inspire us.

“The firm’s consistently strong financial performance demonstrates yet again the results that this powerful combination can deliver.”

December 14, 2023

  • Business & Economy

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