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The spirit of Ad Gefrin: Corenkyn and community

Family and a sense of belonging are two core values at Ad Gefrin, so there’s no surprise these principles are seamlessly reflected in the whisky distillery and museum’s membership offering. Here, Kate Hewison speaks to Eileen Ferguson, co-founder of Ad Gefrin, to learn more about its vision and how its unique memberships go far beyond the expected perks and benefits.

Corenkyn – a name derived from the Old English words ‘coren’ (chosen) and ‘kin’ (family) – is one of Ad Gefrin’s exclusive membership options.

It signifies the distillery’s unwavering commitment to community, belonging and the opportunity to join the business on its journey – something co-founder Eileen Ferguson is passionate about.

“It’s like any family – you put your arms around them, wrap them up and take them with you,” she says.

Eileen and husband Alan Ferguson co-founded Ad Gefrin back in 2018, a unification of two local families and business magnates, the Redpaths and the Fergusons.

With a dream to build something extraordinary on the Redpath family’s old haulage site, Eileen was determined to give back to the place she calls home and regenerate the town of Wooler.

She says: “We’ve got this jewel in the crown, a site in one of the most beautiful parts of our country.

“The people of the North East have been undersold by a series of governments for generations.

“This is our way of saying we can actually produce something first-class here.”

And with that, Ad Gefrin was born.

After five years of preparing, building and – as Eileen puts it – ‘selling the dream’, the Ad Gefrin whisky distillery and Anglo Saxon museum opened in March 2023.

Stepson Chris Ferguson – who holds a doctorate in archaeology – has been integral to the Ad Gefrin vision, particularly so with his passion for Anglo Saxon heritage, which draws many parallels with Ad Gefrin’s values.

One notable example is the emphasis on the importance of women, a principle that deeply aligns with Eileen’s commitment to equal opportunities for all.

She says: “I think the spirit industry is, like many other industries, very male dominated, but what we’ve got to do as women is to be strong and have courage.

“If you focus on what you know is right, the rest then follows.

“If people don’t always agree with you, that’s fine, just have the courage to stick to your conviction.

“We’ve got to have respect for each other and not prejudge people,” she adds.

Good hospitality was also another important element of Anglo Saxon heritage, which in turn is integral to Ad Gefrin.

Eileen says: “You never remember what somebody’s wearing, you only remember ten per cent of what they say, but you always remember how they made you feel.

“There was a golden age of Northumbria in Anglo Saxon times, and we want to make it the new golden age of Northumbria.”

Eileen, Alan and their team have brought an incredible visitor experience to Wooler, with elements meticulously chosen and crafted to the highest degree, ensuring a seamless blend of tradition, artistry and innovation.

This commitment to excellence extends to the Corenkyn lifetime membership, which includes numerous benefits such as discounts, 8x 70cl Ad Gefrin whisky spirits, your name placed within Ad Gefrin’s walls forever, special event invites and so much more.

Extremely limited numbers of exclusive cask finishes will also be released for sale on August 2 to Corenkyn.

You can find the full list of benefits here.

Joining Corenkyn allows members to grow with, and alongside, the business, with membership entries closing at the end of this year.

It’s almost like a founding member’s club, but with the warmth of a close-knit family.

Eileen says: “We want people to say, ‘we believe in what you’re doing, and this is part of an amazing journey that’s going to be something inspirational’.

“We see extraordinary in everyone, therefore being part of our journey is extraordinary for us.

“It’s important to us to have their encouragement, love, care, fun and laughter.

“But we also hope they get the same back from us.”

Many of the early adopters of Corenkyn are those who have an affinity to Wooler and share Eileen’s passion of investing into the area.

Eileen says: “They said, ‘it’s going to make a difference, this is a part of our area that has had no investment – we’ll adopt early and join you on this journey’, which has been amazing.

“Wooler has always been a beautiful place, but lots of people haven’t seen that.

“We’re giving people a reason to visit and to see the area, not just Ad Gefrin.

“Our greatest wish is that people then base themselves in Northumberland.

“We’ve got so many stories to tell in Northumberland, so let’s start talking about it.

“Let’s start telling the stories we love.”


Sign up for Corenkyn by the end of July to secure an invitation to Ad Gefrin’s exclusive event on August 2nd, where you’ll gain access to the release of new limited edition whisky casks.

For enquiries email [email protected] with NET Membership Enquiry in the subject line

Find out more about Corenkyn here.


Pictured: Eileen Ferguson, co-founder of Ad Gefrin

July 16, 2024

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Created by Kate Hewison