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Newcastle Helix announces sponsorship for Elmer’s Great North Parade

Newcastle Helix has announced that it will sponsor a sculpture in Elmer’s Great North Parade, delivered by St Oswald’s Hospice.

The event will feature more than 50 large individually-designed sculptures and 115 smaller sculptures, based on the much-loved children’s character, Elmer the Patchwork Elephant.

Elmer’s Great North Parade will run from August to November 2019, welcoming scores of visitors to the region.

Representatives from Newcastle Helix have chosen a design for their Elmer sculpture – the ‘Electric Elmer’.

The design celebrates North East inventors Joseph Swan, who developed the light bulb, and William Armstrong, who developed more efficient ways to use hydroelectricity.

Tom Bramald, marketing manager at Newcastle Helix said: “We are thrilled to be part of the Elmer’s Great North Parade.

“Newcastle Helix is fast becoming a global hub for innovation and the fact that the ‘Electric Elmer’ design celebrates two great North East inventors was a perfect fit for us.

“The design also features imagery which resonates with the site’s history and the fact that it was built on a former coal mine.

“We are really pleased with the design as it reflects our past, present and future as an exemplar sustainable urban development.”

The ‘Electric Elmer’ will be painted by artist Amanda Rabey, who trained at the Slade school of fine art. She lives and works in Newcastle where she has a studio at the Mushroom Works.

Amanda commented: “I am honored to be part of such an important charity fundraiser for St Oswald’s Hospice and I am delighted to be working with Newcastle Helix who really responded to my design ideas.

“It’s great to be able to celebrate some of the brilliant and inventive minds of the North East through such a fun and accessible event.”

Elmer’s Great North Parade is an event delivered by St Oswald’s Hospice and supported by Wild in Art.

St Oswald’s Hospice provides specialist care for North East adults, young people and children and support for family and loved ones.

It is hoped that the event will raise more than £500,000 for babies, children and young adults in the community who are dealing with life-limiting conditions.