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Space Group launches digital platform for construction sector

A North East company has developed new software that it believes has the potential to transform the traditional construction sector.

Twinview is changing the way building information is stored by transferring hard copy data into a digital platform, which can be updated in real time.

The construction software has been created by Space Group and will enable more data to be collated about various building projects.

It does this through the creation of cloud-based, 3D twins – digital replicas of physical buildings – and Building Information Technology (BIM).

Twinview has been in development for five years and will help property businesses solve one of the main issues identified through the Grenfell Tower disaster, in which no ‘golden thread’ of information was available about the building, leading to a lack of accountability.

It is fully compliant with the Building Safety Bill currently being scrutinised by Parliament, which will likely require all residential building of over 18 metres in height to have a digital version.

The software marks Space Group’s latest disruption of the construction sector, which has been ongoing since its creation of Bimstore ten years ago.

Rob Charlton, CEO of Twinview, said: “We first realised the need for this five years ago and began developing it. While there are other twin platforms around, the fact we started working on it so early means we are way ahead of the competition.

“Although we were developing Twinview way before the Grenfell Tower tragedy, or the Building Safety Bill which was introduced as a result of that and is set to be one of the biggest recent introductions into the construction sector, our software provides a solution to the very issues raised.

“We have already secured some major clients for Twinview, but in the way that we were years ahead of widespread adoption with BIM and Bimstore, we are working with the early adopters to help it become mainstream.

“Again, the North East is showing that we’re at the forefront of digital innovation, particularly in the construction centre, and with the work that is happening here in the region, we will continue to lead on an International scale.”

Twinview was launched with legal support from Sintons, with managing partner Christopher Welch, the long-standing advisor to Space Group and Twinview, and tech specialist senior associate Lucy Carlin, completing work including a Software as a Service (SaaS) agreement.

Lucy added: “Space Group is known as a serial innovator in construction software on an international scale.

“Their work in BIM was years ahead of mainstream adoption, and through the creation of Twinview, they are following a similar pattern.”