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The changing face of workspace

Retaining and attracting good talent has never been so hard. As employees seek a more rounded and fulfilling experience from their careers, employers are having to reinvent how they meet those needs and, ultimately, differentiate themselves.

The workplace is a key component of the employer value proposition, along with the requirements to be ‘present’ in the office. Many research studies show that mandating specific approaches to coming into the office means alienating specific profiles. Different people want different combinations of office v home working. Increasingly, people want to fit work around life rather than the other way round. With increased flexibility, however, usually comes less office time, which can weaken creativity, culture and the mental health benefits of social interaction in the workplace.

Companies need to rethink their workspace, give employees a desire to be there in person. Interior design, comfortable seating, facilities and outside space, combined with regular structured and informal interaction.

Freelancers and those who live in different regions to their companies’ offices also need stimulation and interaction. It is no surprise that we are seeing an explosion of new co-working facilities and small office suites. The most successful of these new workspaces are those that differentiate themselves – feeling more like boutique hotels.

The Lamp House, in Sandyford, is a fantastic new workspace for individual workers or small teams. The premises has been redesigned in an almost Soho House style, with wooden floors and panelling, rich fabrics and exposed brick walls and fireplaces. The building layout includes a welcome lounge and bar, the Lamp Yard outside space, co-working desks, office suites and meeting rooms. Most suites have sofas or armchairs to break up the desks and provide a more relaxed and spacious feel. The Lamp House has now secured parking for up to 16 cars.

As well as desks or rooms, there is an onsite barista, kitchen facilities and a shower room. The premises is currently awaiting a licence to serve alcohol and the bar will be open to members and guests three evenings a week and for special events. Community is a highly valued part of their concept, offering a calendar of events, including coffee hours, drinks evenings, wine tastings, quiz nights and more. Already, and without intervention, Lamp House members are offering each other informal advice and mentoring. This informal, impromptu style of interaction is exactly why the office environment can add huge value to people in their working lives.

The idea for The Lamp House came out of an unhappy home working experience during the pandemic. The founder wanted to create a space where people could thrive. A place they would want to go rather than being forced to go. A place where they could connect and collaborate. A haven away from home.

If you would like to visit The Lamp House, it is open for coffee or make an appointment via [email protected]