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New scheme launched to foster tech innovation in Newcastle

A new scheme has been launched to help foster and celebrate innovation in digital and tech-focused businesses in cities across the North — and Newcastle is set to benefit.

The programme — called Disruption North — aims to support the development of jobs, talent, and innovation in businesses in Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle, providing a range of exciting opportunities for firms and stakeholders alike.

It’s hoped the scheme will help to create the ecosystems that Northern cities need to compete in the digital and tech sectors at a global level.

Disruption North will interview a range of businesses, from young startups to established firms, who will then have the opportunity to apply to for the status of “Northern Star” and be profiled across the Disruption North network and platform.

The scheme is the result of a collaboration between two business intelligence platforms, DisruptionHub, based in Leeds, and Bruntwood SciTech, a joint venture between Legal and General and commercial property firm Bruntwood that operates from Manchester.

DisruptionHub will also host a summit focused on disruption and innovation in the public sector in March 2020.

Phil Kemp, CEO of Bruntwood SciTech, commented: “Collaboration is at the heart of Bruntwood SciTech and partnering with DisruptionHub creates a real opportunity to celebrate and showcase some of the brilliant, market-disrupting innovators and technologies from across the North.

“There are great ideas forming, scaling and growing in many of the North’s key cities, helping to contribute to the growth and strength of the UK tech economy.”

Rob Prevett, co-founder and CEO of DisruptonHub, said: “After five years of running DisruptionHub I’ve met hundreds of exciting individuals and companies working in digital innovation.

“But I’m always frustrated at how little exposure companies outside of London receive when there’s such an abundance of talent, particularly in the North.

“The reality is there’s so much going on here and it’s a really great environment for growing digital businesses.”

Recognising that the success of the digital economy across the region is built on support and investment from a huge range of other organisations, Disruption North has also opened a call for partnerships with companies that support the digital economy across the country, including investors, local government, and universities.
Mr Prevett added: “The aim is to highlight not just the plethora of talent in the North, but to demonstrate the value for businesses that find a home in these cities.”