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Tech firm shines spotlight on women in industry

A Sunderland tech firm is using International Women’s Day 2019 (IWD 2019) to draw attention to the opportunities available to females entering the industry.

Sunderland Software Centre based Saggezza has had its team strike a pose and has filmed a short video with people and capability manager Allison Cummins, to talk-up the tech sector and the roles available to females looking for a rewarding career.

Allison, who has worked in the industry for more than a decade, said she is encouraged to see more females applying for roles in the industry.  But she said more needs to be done to ensure that young people are aware that it’s not just a field in which men can succeed.

She said: “I have worked with some really powerful, influential women.  And I think we need role models like these to have their voices heard – it sends an important message to young people that they too can succeed in tech.

“Days like International Women’s Day are important. We know that more needs to be done to encourage females to pursue careers in industries that they may not have seen as being accessible to them and we will always look to champion equality within the sector.”

The company’s growing team posed for a group picture, sporting this year’s ‘balance pose’, which is being used to draw attention to the need for parity between both genders.

Allison added: “The whole team, men and women, are behind this campaign as we all see the value that our female cohort brings to the business.  We hope it sends a message to young people, and to their parents and influencers, that no career is out of reach to women.”

Saggezza has seen more females join its team in recent months with 12 per cent of women now part of the company’s quickly expanding team.

The video with Allison and the Saggezza team picture has also been featured by Sunderland Software Centre on social media, to draw attention to IWD 2019.  The centre – an incubator space that encourages entrepreneurs to set up businesses, creating a supportive environment in which they can grow – has been profiling female business owners on social media too.

Councillor Graeme Miller, leader of Sunderland City Council, said: “We have some fantastic businesses in Sunderland, many of which are led by strong, dynamic women who are helping to fly the flag for the city as a place to do business.

“IWD 2019 is a great opportunity to showcase the talent and ingenuity of women in business, and I am delighted to see businesses in the city using their female role models to attract more young women into exciting fields of work that they may otherwise not have considered.”