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HR&D Awards – Meet the Partners: NPH Group

Sponsoring this year’s ‘Excellence in Health & Wellness’ category is NPH Group. As a leading occupational health and wellbeing provider, they are passionate about supporting the wellness of employees across the region. Here, North East Times speaks to NPH Group to discuss their partnership with the HR&D Awards, and what the award means to them.



What motivated you to become a sponsorship partner of the 2024 HR&D Awards?

Our motivation to become a sponsorship partner of this year’s awards stemmed from our desire to celebrate the North East’s dedication to excellence within the realms of HR&D. Being a North East business ourselves, sponsoring the specific award we chose, Excellence in Health and Wellness, provided us with a wonderful opportunity to align our organisational mission with like-minded companies that have demonstrated a commitment to the same values we uphold. By associating ourselves with these companies, we can emphasise our dedication to supporting the people of the North East while celebrating in the company of organisations that share this same commitment.

In what ways do you support professional development and career growth opportunities for your employees?

NPH Group is committed to nurturing employee growth through across the clinical and non-clinical teams, and the real magic happens when both cross pollinate learning between each other. We utilise Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) for hands-on learning and feedback, which is particularly well suited to training nurses, technicians, and our support team, and those trying to get into Occupational Health.  Monthly in-house training targets specific skills, complemented by online mandatory training. We encourage personalised growth and understanding through our ‘what 100% looks like’ in roles, aligning personal and business goals and our approach upholds our reputation for service excellence.


  • Johnny Snell, Customer Operations Manager


What impact do you hope to make in celebrating and promoting excellent people practices within the industry?

We hope that our sponsorship will allow us to connect with even more likeminded Northeast businesses that share a mutual drive to promote the importance of health and wellbeing in the workplace. Excellent people practices start by listening to your people, and we love any opportunity to celebrate businesses that have a proven record of this, as well as promote the role that expert occupational health and wellbeing services can play in further supporting excellent practices, too.

As a sponsorship partner of the Excellence in Health & Wellness Award, why is this important in people practices and business?

For employers, prioritising employee health and wellbeing is crucial for both people practices and business success. When employees are physically and mentally healthy, they are more productive, engaged, and focused. Concentrating on wellbeing reduces absenteeism, enhances teamwork, and fosters a positive work environment that in turn can impact employee loyalty, too. It also boosts morale, reduces staff turnover, and can significantly enhance employer reputation. We advocate investing in employee wellbeing as an investment in the long-term sustainability and growth of a business. If you get it right, you will attract, retain and be able to develop people.



If you are interested in the sponsorship opportunities and would like to become a partner of the HR&D Awards, please contact:

Lesley – [email protected] / 07748 908058

Dawn – [email protected] / 07789 666437

April 25, 2024

  • Events

Created by Kate Hewison